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DNR Guidelines for Medical ID Wearers

A medical ID allows you to communicate your choice when you cannot speak for yourself. A DNR or Do Not Resuscitate order instructs medical providers to withhold CPR in the event your heart stops beating. The formal DNR request is usually made by the patient or health care power of attorney and allows the medical teams taking care of them to respect the patient’s wishes. A formal DNR form and order can be obtained through your health care provider.

Wearing a DNR bracelet or necklace has become standard way for people to communicate their choice of a natural death over life. These choices can be difficult to make so it is best to reference additional resources and information to ensure you have a valid DNR order.

In Canada, CPR will not be performed if a valid written "DNR" order is present. Although legislation varies by province, it is typical for emergency medical services personnel who are presented with a valid DNR form, signed by your doctor, or who identify a standard DNR bracelet on you, to comply with the DNR order. It is important to be aware of the requirements by your area of the country as forms may differ between provinces or territories.

DNR Resources

To review important information, by territory or province, if you are considering a DNR Order, Advance Care Planning provides helpful guidance.


Additional resources can be found here:

* The above is general information provided by Universal Medical ID and is not guidance on the requirements of a proper DNR. 


DNR Medical ID Bracelets & Necklaces

  1. Eternity Bracelet
    Eternity Bracelet
    Starting at: $57.95
  2. Lynx Shine
    Lynx Shine
    Starting at: $61.95
  3. Lynx Onyx
    Lynx Onyx
    Starting at: $58.95
  4. Sterling Silver Classic Bracelet
    Sterling Silver Classic Bracelet
    Starting at: $113.95
  5. Stainless Mingle on Tennis Bracelet
    Stainless Mingle on Tennis Bracelet
    Starting at: $77.95
  6. Sterling Silver Classic Red Bracelet
    Sterling Silver Classic Red Bracelet
    Starting at: $131.95
  7. Stainless Steel Dog Tag Red
    Stainless Steel Dog Tag Red
    Starting at: $57.95
  8. Stainless Steel Sleek Mesh
    Stainless Steel Sleek Mesh
    Starting at: $47.95