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Who Should Wear a Medical ID?

Who Should Wear a Medical ID?

Getting a medical ID is an important decision to make for your personal health and safety. If you’re not sure if you should be wearing one, here are some conditions and situations where a medical ID is recommended.

A person who is diagnosed or is living with the following health issues should wear a medical ID.

Chronic disease, illness, or any medical condition - Being diagnosed with a medical condition often comes with a recommendation from a doctor to wear a medical ID. Here is an important list of medical conditions that recommend wearing medical alert jewelry.

Food allergy – Are you allergic to certain types of food, nuts, dairy, fish or shellfish? Food allergies can cause serious reactions including anaphylaxis. Medical professionals recommend wearing a medical alert bracelet (or necklace) as part of an effective allergy management plan.

Drug allergyPenicillin and antibiotics are examples of medicines that can cause allergic reactions to some people. A medical ID can effectively alert others of this information and help prevent accidental exposure and treatment with these drugs.

Allergy to stinging insects like bees and wasps – being stung by an insect can cause more severe reactions to those allergic to them. Bee or wasp stings can cause anaphylaxis that can be fatal. In the event of getting stung, a medical ID can help identify the cause of the allergic reactions including the treatment that you need in case you are unconscious or otherwise unable to communicate your allergy to others.

Mental health issues and illnesses - In the event of an emergency, it is important for mental illness to be known to emergency responders. A medical ID can help responders understand a person’s behavior during an emergency, avoid misdiagnosis, and identify the help or treatment best suited to them.

Medical ID for Insect Sting Allergy

medical id for insect sting medical id for insect sting

My kid found out two summers ago that he has a life-threatening allergy to insect stings. We got him an alert bracelet in his favourite color purple. - @secretrunnergirl

Penicillin Allergy

penicillin emergency id penicillin emergency id

I'm a type 1 diabetic and I'm allergic to penicillin. Given that my life depends on 24-hour access to insulin via my insulin pump, and if anyone gave me the most commonly administered antibiotic, I could go into anaphylactic shock. - Milk n Honey Nutrition


ptsd ptsd

It is crucial that safety precautions are made for everyone facing PTSD. This includes the person suffering from the symptoms of PTSD, their immediate family, and any close friends or other family members. The first step would be to find Universal Medical ID bracelets for anyone in the family who has a mental or physical illness. - PTSD Wifey

Aside from medical conditions, medical IDs are also recommended to alert emergency responders of the following:

  1. Receiving or making an organ donation - A medical ID is a simple tool that can help keep living organ donors safe and give them everyday peace of mind. People that decide to become a donor should understand the risk of not wearing one.

  2. Having medical devices or implants (pacemaker, hearing aids, etc.) - In an emergency, it is important to alert responders of the presence of a medical device such as a pacemaker. Gadgets and equipment can affect the way a pacemaker functions and usually, wearing one means you need to be on certain medication. This is important information to let medical professionals know about.

Thank you Universal Medical ID for our son's super cool ID bracelet. #KidneyStrong. - Tisha Grant

“It is important that kidney donors wear one because some dyes used in scans can be hard for one kidney to filter out, and thus can damage or destroy the kidney.”Fr. Pat Sullivan, Living Organ Donor


Medical IDs also provide safety and peace of mind when enjoying different stages and moments in your life. Some examples are:

Going to university for the first time - A medical ID can help support the successful transition of adolescents to managing their own health. Wearing medical identification bracelets or necklaces can help reduce a young person’s anxieties and offer assurance that they can get the right help when they need it, even from complete strangers.

Living independently - Taking charge of yourself includes ensuring your health & safety in case of an emergency. When you live alone with an illness or disability, a medical ID can be one of the things that can help you enjoy your freedom and peace of mind in all the different activities you participate in.

Traveling with a medical condition - The NHS recommends a medical ID as part of a healthy travel packing list. If an unexpected emergency strikes, a medical ID bracelet or necklace can be the most important item that you have on your person.

Senior living - Taking steps to increase safety at home for seniors can begin with wearing a medical ID. In emergencies such as trips, slips, or falls, a medical ID can alert responders of important health information to watch out for.

Medical IDs for Going to University

medical id for college students medical id for college students

“Medical IDs are a piece of engraved jewelry that teenagers can wear to take charge of their health in case of an emergency.” – Pediatric Congenital Heart Association

Travel Safety

emergency id for travel emergency id for travel

“If you have any health problems during your trip, a medical alert ID is a simple and effective way to let people know about a pre-existing medical condition." - EMS World

Senior Living

medical alert bracelet for seniors medical alert bracelet for seniors

“Owning and wearing a medical ID bracelet or necklace is a smart idea no matter what you're doing. First responders are trained to look for medical ID jewelry, and it could save your life in a true emergency situation.” -

Medical IDs are not just for people with health considerations. They are also recommended to be worn by those caring for a loved one like a spouse, child, family member or friend.


  1. Becoming a caregiver – Many caregivers worry about something happening to them and what the impact would be to those they are responsible for. Being prepared for emergencies can alleviate this stress. One way to do this is by wearing a caregiver medical ID.

  2. Parents – A medical ID can help keep children safe and allow them to be identified if they get lost or find themselves in an emergency. In case of emergency, information gives responders a number to call and help reunite children with their parents quickly. For school children with food allergies, a medical ID can prompt school nurses or teachers, to use an epi pen to manage a severe allergic reaction to help prevent anaphylaxis.






Still can’t decide if you need a medical ID? Check out our FAQ page. You can also reach us for help in choosing a medical ID for yourself or loved one.