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Engraving a Medical ID

Engraving a Medical ID

What medical conditions should be on a medical ID?

Should medicines be listed on my medical ID?

Should I list allergies on my medical ID?

What other information can be placed on my medical ID?

I'm not sure how my medical ID should be engraved, what do I do?

Is it necessary to put my name on my medical ID?

Once engraved can I add info to my medical ID?

How do I properly insert my e•MedTAG USB Dog Tag or USB Dog Tag ID into my computer?

Can I tell Universal Medical ID how my medical ID impacted my life?

What is My Interactive Health Record (MyIHR)?

Why does it take so long to make a medical ID?

Should I tell my doctor that I purchased a medical ID?

How can I get order forms?

What medical conditions should be on a medical ID?

Below are examples of medical conditions that could warrant wearing a medical ID.

  • Abnormal EKG
  • Adrenal Insufficiency
  • Alcoholism
  • Alzheimer's
  • Angina
  • Asthma
  • Bleeding Disorder
  • Cardiac Arrhythmia
  • Cataracts
  • Clotting Disorder
  • Dementia
  • Diabetes (Insulin Dependent)
  • Diabetes (Non-Insulin Dependent)
  • Emphysema
  • Glaucoma
  • Hearing Impaired
  • Heart Valve Prosthesis
  • Hemolytic Anemia
  • Hypertension
  • Laryngectomy
  • Leukemia
  • Lupus
  • Lymphomas
  • Malignant Hyperthermia
  • Mental Disability, such as Down's Syndrome, Traumatic Brain Injury, Aphasia or Speech Disorder
  • Myasthenia Gravis
  • Pacemaker
  • Renal Failure
  • Sickle Cell Anemia
  • Seizure Disorder
  • Situs Inversus
  • Stroke
  • Vision Impaired
Should medicines be listed on my medical ID?

As a rule and if space permits, it's wise to list prescription medicines that are being taken on a long-term or "maintenance" basis. This will give medical personnel better guidance on how to initiate treatment and will lessen the chance of a drug interaction.

Some classes of medicines that would be appropriate for an ID are:

  • Analgesics: Includes many narcotics, such as morphine and codeine
  • Antianginals: Medicines that alleviate episodes of angina
  • Antiarrhythmics: Heart drugs that can correct or prevent irregular heart beats
  • Anticoagulants: Blood thinners
  • Anticonvulsants: Meds for seizure disorder and epilepsy
  • Antihistamines, Decongestants: Prescription or over-the-counter meds for allergic rhinitis
  • Antihypertensives: Blood pressure medicine
  • Beta Blockers: Drugs that can slow the heart rate: Inderal, Tenormin, etc.
  • Chemotherapy Agents: Drugs for treating cancer or serious infectious diseases
  • Steroids: Cortisone, Decadron, etc.
Should I list allergies on my medical ID?

Yes. Allergic reactions to drugs, foods and insects can cause serious medical problems. A medical ID informs medical personnel of an allergy, allowing for rapid response to end the reaction.

Allergens are numerous, some common examples:

  • Anticonvulsants: Tegretol, Dilantin
  • Aspirin: Anacin, Excedrin, Ibuprofen, Naproxyn
  • Barbiturates: Phenobarbital
  • Antibiotics: Penicillin, Sulfa, Cephalosporins, Mycins
  • Narcotics: Codeine, Morphine, Demerol
  • Others: Dairy Products, Horse Serum, Insect Stings, Latex, Lidocaine, Novocaine, Nuts, X-Ray Dye
What other information can be placed on my medical ID?

Anything can be engraved on an ID, within space limits. Some examples of what might be wise to engrave:

  • Advance Directives (DNR, etc.)
  • Blood Type
  • Contact Lenses
  • Difficult Intubation
  • Emergency Contacts (Next of Kin, Physician, etc.)
  • Faith
  • Implants
  • Living Will
  • Organ Donor
  • Pacemaker
  • Stent
  • See Wallet Card
I'm not sure how my medical ID should be engraved, what do I do?
  • List only those medical conditions that would be important in an emergency. For example, a minor surgery that took place several years ago may no longer be relevant to your current medical care.
  • Space is limited, so summarize your information with short, descriptive words. Any information that cannot go on your medical ID bracelet or necklace can be written on a wallet or purse ID card.
  • List only medicines you wish to be engraved. Generally, this would be prescription medicine, taken on a long-term daily basis. You may wish to list the most important medicines first.

If you need help deciding what to engrave, ask your physician or pharmacist, or you may call Customer Service, 1.800.616.3400.

If you're unsure about what to engrave, ask your doctor. If you need assistance phrasing a medical condition so that it will fit on your medical ID or so Emergency Medical Professionals recognize it, please call our Customer Service Representatives at 1.800.616.3400 and we'll assist you.

Is it necessary to put my name on my medical ID?

Engraving your name on your medical ID is personal preference. However, at least a first name is recommended. A first name is especially important in an emergency, as emergency personnel will say a person's name in an effort to get their attention if they are in a daze, a diabetic coma or unconscious for example.

We recommend that all Alzheimer's patients engrave their name and address or contact information of a friend or family member.

Other Questions

Once engraved can I add info to my medical ID?
We advise only engraving information that is unlikely to change. Information on your medical ID, once engraved, cannot be removed or changed.
How do I properly insert my e•MedTAG USB Dog Tag or USB Dog Tag ID into my computer?
Press in on the black lever on the side of the USB and slide it forward. While still holding the lever, insert the USB into your computer’s USB port. Once the USB device is full inserted into your computer you are ready to begin.
Can I tell Universal Medical ID how my medical ID impacted my life?
Yes. We would be delighted to hear how your medical ID has influenced your life. Please share your Life Story.
What is My Interactive Health Record (MyIHR)?

You can think of My Interactive Health Record as an extension of an engraved medical ID or a wallet card. For example, in an emergency, your medical alert jewelry piece provides caregivers with a brief description of a few key facts.

A medical ID enabled with MyIHR could significantly help emergency medical services provide you with the correct care for your conditions and ultimately save your life.

In the event of an accident, or debilitating medical episode, if you cannot speak for yourself, your MyIHR enabled medical ID will. MyIHR allows you to create an Interactive Health Record that will provide emergency personnel with your Name, Address, Emergency Contacts, Health Insurance, Conditions, Medications, Allergies, and more. In order to provide you with the best possible care, your Interactive Health Record is available to Emergency Personnel 24 hours a day, 365 days a year via the website AND telephone.

A physician, medic or nurse may then locate your file online at or by calling the toll-free 800 number where a medically trained operator provides live assistance. Armed with this additional knowledge they will be in a much better position to provide timely and appropriate care for you - possibly life-saving medical care!

Universal Medical ID will never disclose or sell a customer's personal information. View the MyIHR Privacy Policy.

There is more information about the My Interactive Health Record here.

Why does it take so long to make a medical ID?
Our medical IDs are custom-engraved and custom-sized to reflect our customer's exact requests. Considering we strive for accuracy and quality, once an order has been received and the medical ID has been engraved, the order is examined multiple times ensuring complete accuracy. The jewelry is then polished and packaged with care before it is sent to the customer.
Should I tell my doctor that I purchased a medical ID?

We encourage our customer's to inform their doctor that they have purchased a medical ID. Just as they would tell their doctor about new medicines or changes in their health, so should they tell their doctor about their medical ID.

When you receive your Universal Medical ID bracelet or necklace, you'll find a Healthcare Provider Approval Card. On your next visit, show your doctor your medical ID and give him the Healthcare Provider Approval Card. If your doctor approves your ID’s engraving, we'll add a one-year engraving warranty to your account.

If, however, your doctor thinks you should have engraved additional information, we’ll be happy to add that important information for a small fee. Then you’ll have another opportunity to get your doctor’s approval and engraving warranty.

The customer is responsible for returning the medical ID.

How can I get order forms?
Click here for medical ID order forms and support materials.